The Health Effect of Cruciferous Vegetables

When referring to cruciferous vegetables, the keywords most people think of are "broccoli" and "anti-cancer". In fact, the cruciferous family contains a lot of vegetables, and their role is not only "anti-cancer." In terms of plant classification, there are 378 genera and 3,710 species of crucifers. The cruciferous plants that are consumed as vegetables mainly include the following four kinds: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, various kinds of cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, rapeseed, mustard, kale, etc. belonging to the genus; radish belonging to the genus of radish. , Daqing radish, carrots, water radish, and other countries in the United States; some popular wild vegetables, such as leeks, Zhuge Cai, broken rice dumplings, alone dishes, arugula, etc.; mustard, horseradish and other seasonings. Apart from having the common property of "anti-cancer", these vegetables also have their own unique health care functions.


Mustard calcium. The "Chinese Food Composition Table" shows that the calcium content of 100 grams of mustard is as high as 230 milligrams, while the calcium content of milk of the same quality is about 100 milligrams. Not only is the calcium content high, studies have shown that the body's absorption of calcium in mustard is comparable to that of milk. There must be a lot of mustard, which can be used to fry pork, soup, and stuffing. It can also be used to marinate cold dishes. If you eat with tofu, the effect of calcium is better.

Purple cabbage anti-aging. Purple cabbage is rich in anthocyanins. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage and has an anti-aging effect. Purple cabbage has a special aroma and flavor, can be boiled, fried, cold or pickles, etc., because it is rich in natural pigments, is a good ingredient with salad or Western food color. When cooking or sautéing purple cabbage, it is best to add a little white vinegar to prevent purple cabbage from becoming dark after being heated.

Kale Blue Vitamin C. Kale is rich in vitamin C, far more than vegetables such as spinach and leeks that are widely considered to contain high levels of vitamin C. In cooking, kale is best to use fast-fried, stir-fried method, do not cook too cooked, in order to maintain its color crisp texture characteristics. However, the taste of kale is slightly bitter, and it is best to scoop it with water before frying. When fried, you can put some sugar to cover the bitter and astringent taste.

Cabbage eye protection. Cabbage is vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins, its carotene content is 74 times that of Chinese cabbage, can protect the eyes and eyesight. In addition, Chinese cabbage is rich in vitamins B1, B6, pantothenic acid, etc. It has the function of relieving stress. Eating more helps to maintain peace of mind. Cabbage must not be eaten raw. When cooking dishes, the time for frying and picking should not be too long to avoid loss of nutrition.

White radish boosts immunity. As the saying goes, "If you eat radish in summer and eat ginger in winter, don't give a doctor a prescription." White radish is rich in vitamin C and trace elements zinc, helps to enhance the body's immune system, improve disease resistance. There are many ways to eat white radish. In addition to stews, they can also be cooked together with eel and kelp.

Mustard sterilization. The active substances in mustard can kill pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and inhibit the growth of mold and other toxic bacteria in food. At present, mustard is added to some antibacterial drugs. Mustard is often eaten as a dip, such as dumpling vinegar or sushi sauce. Studies have shown that eating broccoli mustard will enhance anti-cancer effects.

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