Before and after pear tree bagging to prevent pests and diseases
1. Pearwood Pears Pests are the main pests of pear trees, and their fulminant damage is heavy. If they are not controlled in time, they will cause a large number of leaves to fall off, which will seriously affect fruit production and quality. Be sure to spray 70%-80% of pears for the first time, spray the second time before bagging, and 7-10 days after bagging the third time. Spraying can be used for bright pear glycosides (avermectin + spirotetracycline) 2000-3000 times, or 5% avermectin 5000-6000 times. 2. Mealworm Tenebrio was serious in the last year, and the number of overwintering eggs was large. This year we must increase vigilance and treat Tenebrio as the main pest control. Red storm (10% imidacloprid) 2000-3000 times, or 5% acetamiprid 4000-5000 times, or 2.5% lambda-cyhalothrin 2500-3000 times solution, can be treated with green clerodoxenia. 3. Kang's whitefly is treated with 48% chlorpyrifos 1500-2000 times after bagging. Prevent the use of organophosphorus pesticides after flowering and before bagging. The sprayer atomization is better when spraying, to prevent damage to young fruit, resulting in rough fruit surface or fruit rust. 4. Scab, black spot disease Bagging pear black flower disease has been serious in recent years, must use high-quality fungicides before bagging. After flowering and before bagging, these two drugs can be used with Kai Tai (Difenoconazole + Pyraclostrobin) 3000-4000 times, or Hanbang 80% Carbendazim 2000 times, or Taicang 28% Jinggang. Carbendazim 1200 times liquid bagging can spray 10% difenoconazole 3000-4000 times solution.
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How does the solar surveillance camera work?
Solar powered surveillance cameras use solar panels to harness sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC). The inverter then converts direct current to alternating current (AC), which can then be used to power the solar monitoring.
What happens when it rains or it's cloudy -- can solar surveillance cameras work?
Most solar cameras are also equipped with alternative or backup power supplies, usually rechargeable batteries. The solar panel not only powers the Security Camera, but also charges the battery. When there is no direct sunlight (i.e. at night or in rainy days), the solar powered security camera will be powered by rechargeable batteries. Once there is direct sunlight, the battery will start to charge.
Benefits of Solar Monitoring Cameras
The main advantage of the solar monitoring camera is that the solar panel charges the battery powered camera, creating a renewable power supply. Although a Wi Fi connection is required, these cameras can be used in areas of the home that are difficult to access, such as roofs. For places that are not suitable for using wired security systems, the solar safety monitoring camera provides a reliable choice of security systems without the trouble and additional costs of running cables.
Wireless Solutions
Internal battery charging
Easy to install, no installation cost
Easy to track private property
Scalable solution that can be easily adjusted to meet your future needs - as many solar panels can be added as possible as the camera power
Environmentally friendly