Big Secret: Why are medical apps favored by doctors?

As medical technology continues to advance, doctors are more dependent on mobile technology in the workplace than ever before. Many organizations have conducted large-scale investigations to try to find out how doctors can apply their mobile phones to work and the predictions of medical applications in the next few years.

Last month, the author compiled dozens of medical App rankings published by HealthTap, listing the most healthcare-supported apps for doctors, mainly in the Internet App Rankings. Then, MedData Group, a medical marketing company in Topsfield, also surveyed 375 doctors in January. What information did they investigate? The author will be compiled as follows:

According to the survey, more than 80% of US doctors surveyed use mobile apps or view professional content on mobile devices, and the data has increased significantly from a year ago.

Why use an App? According to the doctors in the survey, using the App can improve patient care and communication, and improve work efficiency.

The results of the study reflect the fact that health IT services are accelerating among doctors, patients and companies, and this momentum has attracted the attention of investment institutions. According to StartUp Health's annual report, in fact, in 2014, the Internet medical sector received a total of $6.5 billion in financing, an increase of 125% over 2013.

As we all know, medical care is a traditional slow-moving industry. But MedData's report shows that doctors are driving this change. The chart below shows that only 16% of doctors surveyed said they did not use mobile apps, and that percentage was still 33% in 2013.

Big Secret: Why are medical apps favored by doctors?

Another difference compared to 2013 is that doctors pay more attention to the quality of treatment and the continuity of treatment, rather than the consideration of medical costs.

The MedData survey attempts to discover which apps are used by doctors on mobile devices and what to read. The chart below shows that clinical treatment and drug information articles are popular among doctors and are among the best on the list. Despite this, 21% of doctors said they would not read professional articles on mobile devices.

Big Secret: Why are medical apps favored by doctors?

In 2014, the survey showed that doctors are most concerned about how mobile devices access electronic medical records and how apps handle drug interactions. This year is different, doctors predict that the most popular medical app in 2015 will be electronic prescriptions, introducing prescription information into mobile devices and delivering the drug delivery room. This is followed by experimental or imaging test apps, as well as drugs.

Big Secret: Why are medical apps favored by doctors?

What was not mentioned in the survey was that many doctors were suspected of using a wider range of “healthy” connectivity systems, such as medical records, health monitoring, patient communication communities, and telepresence technologies. But the mobile components of such systems seem to be at least widely accepted.

“OFweek 2015 Medical Technology Summit” will be held in Shenzhen on June 18th, 2015. At that time, domestic and international industry elites will hold a high-level dialogue on hotspots such as medical electronics, medical equipment , smart medical care, mobile medical care , and health wearable devices. Sign up to discuss the industry's new trends, new technology developments, and new investment strategies with the industry to jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of the medical technology industry.

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