Black Potato Pest Control

Black Potato Pest Control Measures

(A) Major diseases and pests of black potatoes and potatoes: Late blight, early blight, bacterial wilt, ring rot, viral disease, scab, cancer, black shank, nematode, black shank

Insect pests: 28 ladybugs, potato beetles, small tigers, aphids, cockroaches, cockroaches, tuber moths

(II) Comprehensive Prevention and Control Measures for Black Potatoes

First, cut off the source

1. Strictly implement the quarantine system, introduce from disease-free areas, and leave the seedless fields to plant seeds. Because black shank disease, ring rot, scab, late blight, and bacterial wilt can be transmitted through seeds, they must be selected during seed selection. Seed and disease-resistant seed potatoes, the selected potato species are subjected to detoxification.

2. When buying seeds and cuttings, germination, and sowing, the seed potatoes that are deformed, diseased, rotten, and sprouted prematurely or that do not sprout should be picked up.

3. The seed potatoes are dried in the sun for two days before cutting, and the disease prevention effect is better.

4. Sterilize the cutters and strictly disinfect the cutters, and soak the seeds after cutting. When cutting, it was found that the diseased potato should be sterilized with 40 % formaldehyde 120 times or 0.1% to 0.2% mercury disinfection. After slicing, pharmacy soaking treatment can be used to select pesticides for diseases such as: prevention of late blight, bacterial wilt, scab, etc., due to the presence of potato ring rot in the microtubule bundles, the general agent is difficult to kill within the tuber The bacteria can be soaked with a concentration of 50 mg/L copper sulfate or agricultural streptomycin for 10 minutes; carbendazim is used to prevent fungal diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani and other fungi. The middle can also be soaked with some Amisidae solution, which will kill known and semi-known fungi, and will in the future form a vaccine effect for early blight and late blight. At the same time, some drugs can also be added to prevent the damage of fungi and enhance the emergence and growth of black potatoes and potato seed potatoes. (add drugs to inquire)

Second, black potatoes agricultural prevention

1 . Early ploughing of plots, inspection of adult wintering sites in winter and spring, timely clearing of field pests and stubbles, eradication of pests and diseases, early harvesting of crops after harvest, early harvest of potatoes, and careful cleaning of pests during and after harvest Remnant body. For example, black shank disease, bacterial wilt, and ring rot disease strains that occur during the growing season should be removed as soon as possible and cleaned up to prevent the disease from spreading with the water and reduce the accumulation and accumulation of pathogens in the field.

2 Reasonable crop rotation, black potatoes, black potatoes, potatoes, and potatoes should not be used as contiguous crops. Heavily affected plots should be replanted for more than three years. In the event of bacterial wilt, 3 to 5 years of crop rotation with grass crops and 5 or more crop rotations of leguminous, cucurbitaceae, and Liliaceae crops occur, and the number of pathogens, nematodes and harmful insects can be reduced through rational crop rotation. To reduce the damage caused by pests.

3. To increase the production of black potatoes, it is necessary to increase the use of organic fertilizers, reasonably apply chemical fertilizers, supplement micronutrient fertilizers, and increase the application of organic fertilizers to effectively improve the soil, inhibit the activities of harmful bacteria in the fields, and enhance the plant's tolerance. If a layer of pond mud is added to a serious scab, it can effectively reduce the disease damage. According to the physiological needs of potatoes, appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer, increase of phosphate fertilizer, more potassium fertilizer, make-up application of trace fertilizer, in order to reduce the occurrence of physiological diseases, enhance plant resistance and reduce the incidence.

4. Black potatoes should be sowed in due course, properly drained, and timely pest control. Appropriate early sowing can alleviate the hazards of diseases such as late blight, watering along ridges and furrows during droughts, flooding the ridges, avoiding flooding, and preventing disease from spreading with water. In case of failure to drain water in time, agricultural activities should reduce the damage to the plants. Effective control of aphids at the seedling stage to prevent transmission of the virus.

5. To prevent late blight epidemic, if late blight becomes popular, planted varieties are not resistant to disease, planting density is high, and potato field with flourishing field plants should plant 1/3 to 1/2 of the plant leaves before the plants have serious disease. Cut away and transport it out of the potato field to increase the sunlight in the potato field and reduce the humidity, which can effectively prevent the bacteria from damaging the potato field. (In addition to this control, there are drugs that can be used for treatment, early detection, early treatment)

6. Livestock and idlers are strictly prohibited from trampling in potato fields, reducing artificial damage to tubers, harvesting early after maturity, and keeping the harvested fields early, so as to reduce the chance of tuber infestation in the field and prevent field rot.

7. Seed potatoes must be carefully selected before entering the pit. After entering the pits, they must be strengthened in management to prevent the temperature in the pits from being too high, resulting in conditions conducive to the occurrence of diseases.

8. In the field, find the adult beetles, small earthworms, tuber moth larvae, or adults of the earthworms, and kill them by hand. If the ladybugs begin to harm in the summer, they can be beaten before 10 o'clock in the morning or after 4 o'clock in the afternoon and use their "dead-life" to kill.

Third, black potato chemical control

1 . Early blight in the early stages of disease use 1 : l : 200 Bordeaux mixture or 77% of wettable particulate powder 500 times liquid and stem leaf spray, 7 to 10 days 1 and spray 2 or 3 times.

2 . The epidemic disease was found in the center of the disease, immediately sprayed the entire field stems and leaves, with a 1:1: 200 Bordeaux mixture or 25% Rhodamine wettable powder 500 times, 7 days, 10 days, and even spray 2 or 3 times.

3 . In the early stage of onset of bacterial wilt, 72% of Streptomycin Sulfate 4000 times or 77% of wettable particulate powder 500 times or 12% of green butter emulsion 600 times was used to irrigate roots. 250-500 grams of liquid medicine, irrigation 10 times a day, with irrigation 2 to 3 times.

4. To prevent and treat the potato cancer disease as early as possible, 70% of the plants in the potato field emerged to the seedling stage, and 20% triadimefon EC was used to irrigate 1500 times. A certain control effect can be obtained.

5. Virus disease early use of 10% imidacloprid WP 2 000 times stem and leaf spray control aphids to prevent transmission of virus disease. At the beginning of the disease, we sprayed 1.5 times of the diseased planting No. II No. 1500 times fluid or 20% of the virus A wettable powder 500 times.

6. Underground pests can be controlled by poisonous soil. For small tigers, 50% dichlorvos 0.5kg, 2.5kg water, and 100kg dry sand are sprayed on the surface of the ground tiger to make arsenic, which is scattered near seedlings in the evening; Can use 75% of phoxim 0.5 grams, add a small amount of water, spray mixed fine soil 125 ~ 175 kg, when planting sprinkled in the kind of ditch, or applied near the seedlings, 20 kg of poisonous soil per mu.

7. 90% trichlorfon 1000 times and 20% fenvalerate 3000 times are available for potato ladybugs and potato beetles.

8. For potato nematodes, 55% of stem ray granules 1 to 1.5 kg/mu can be sprinkled on the stem base of the dioscorea cirrhosa, and then the soil can be watered.

Single(Solo)Bulb Black Garlic

Solo garlic, also known as single clove garlic, monobulb garlic, single bulb garlic, or pearl garlic,is a variety of Allium ampeloprasum. The size of the single clove differs from approximately 25 to 50 mm in diameter. It has the flavour of the garlic clove but is somewhat milder and slightly perfumed. It originates in Yunnan province in Southern China. The appearance is somewhat akin to that of a pickling onion, with white skin and often purple stripes. Solo garlic offers the advantage, compared to traditional garlic, of being very quick and easy to peel.The harvest time is February to March every year. It has a strong fragrant taste compared with multi(whole) clove regular garlic. It also has a high nutrition content. Its price is higher than regular multi-clove garlic but those people who buy it simply love it.

Solo(Single) Black Garlic

Solo Black Garlic,Single Clove Black Garlic,Single Bulb Black Garlic,Fermented Solo Black Garlic

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