Chickens should not be fed more protein

When broilers are bred, many people feed the bean cakes, blood meal, fish meal, and other protein feeds too early in the brooding stage, which can easily lead to indigestion among young chickens. Because juvenile chickens (especially 10-day-old young chickens have very weak gastrointestinal digestive organs, feeding too many protein feeds often results in excessive gastrointestinal burdens, disorders of the digestive organs, and severe protein poisoning. For 1-4 day-old chicks, protein diets such as soybean cake and fish meal may not be added to the diet; for 5-10 day-old chicks, protein diets in the diet may only account for less than 10%; 11-20 days Must not exceed 15%; 21-30 days of age must not exceed 25%. To feed more easily grated corn, millet, chopped cabbage leaves and other easily digestible feed, it is best to add 1% to its diet Herbal medicine, so that it is beneficial to the digestion and absorption of young chickens, but also conducive to growth and weight gain of young chickens.

DN25 Solenoid Valve

The valve is a series of gas emergency shut off solenoid valves, specially designed as gas pipe breaker for emergency use. It can be connected with gas leaking detection sensor, fire alarm circuit or other intelligent sensor modules so that on site or remote shut down on gas supply (manually or automatically) is possible, hence ensuring the safety on gas usage. The valve features an auto-close when strong vibration is detected. After close, manual operation is required to turn on the valve. This feature meets safety regulations in the event of an accident.

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