How can a visual analytics platform accelerate for smart healthcare systems?

The medical industry is a matter of people's livelihood and is closely related to people's livelihood. However, the domestic medical industry has always faced problems such as shortage of medical resources, low efficiency, and difficulty in seeing people. It is accompanied by an increase in the aging of the population. How to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of medical treatment The problem that needs to be solved, and the platform-based visual analysis solution can accelerate the intelligent medical system and solve the difficulties faced by the medical industry.

The World Economic Forum recently announced: "In the past 50 years, medical spending in the OECD countries has exceeded the economic growth by an average of 2%."

In addition, Towers Watson's 2014 Global Medical Trends Survey showed that employee health benefits in the Asia Pacific region increased by 8.8% in 2013 and by 9.3% in 2014, higher than average revenue growth. Even mature medical markets such as Hong Kong and Singapore in China are no exception, and are continually growing by as much as 8%-9%.

Visual analysis helps smart healthcare cut costs

The wave of rising medical spending is sweeping across Asia and the world. Governments have begun to take action – introducing health insurance-related policies, issuing funds in advance to help people pay for their expenses, and promoting campaigns to prevent unhealthy lifestyles. These measures are costly for any country, but they are the least remedial and long-term solutions.

How does the visual analytics platform accelerate for smart healthcare systems?

Implementing to a more specific level, using technology and data analysis to achieve "smart medical" can quickly achieve practical results. The development of the Internet of Things and wearable devices has greatly promoted the development of information explosion and intelligence, and the use of data to drive decision-making by medical institutions is also more noticeable.

According to IDC data, the number of global wearable devices will reach approximately 112 million by 2018, a six-fold increase from the 19 million in 2014. It is estimated that there are about 9.1 billion IoT devices deployed globally in 2013. IDC predicts that this figure will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 17.5%, and by 2020 it will reach 28.1 billion.

Regarding data analysis, a recent survey by Qlik and HIMSS Analytics found that medical institutions are using medical data to improve care efficiency. The survey involved more than 400 respondents, including senior executives, who agreed that deploying BI and analytics platforms will help healthcare organizations make better decisions at all levels.

56% of medical institutions that have deployed the BI platform have improved the overall level of care for patients, greatly reducing the medical expenses of patients, meeting the needs of patients and enhancing the health of the population. In addition, 48% of healthcare organizations said that deploying a BI analytics platform would help them make decisions faster and more accurately, while 47% of healthcare organizations said the BI analytics platform helped them save money.

The survey also found that as the value of BI and analytical tools is widely recognized by policymakers, healthcare organizations are seeking investment opportunities to unlock their added value. Thirty-six percent of healthcare organizations said they will further increase their investment in BI and analytics platforms over the next 12-24 months to integrate them with existing applications and systems. And 36% of organizations said that the investment in dashboard development was the first to increase investment, and 31% said they would increase their investment in analytical tools. Interestingly, 18% of organizations have listed end-user training as their primary goal.


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