How to diet lower blood pressure
Hypertension has become more and more young. In addition to genetic factors, bad habits can also lead to high blood pressure. So how is blood pressure high blood pressure the most effective? Here are five types of blood pressure for you to recommend the food, so that you do not have to take medicine can also lower blood pressure! 1, celery Celery is rich in protein, carotene and vitamins, amino acids, and calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. High nutritional value, medicinal value, with blood pressure and lipid-lowering effect. Treatment is to take 250 grams of celery, smashed juice, oral 20-30 ml each time, 2 times a day, can also be used 250 grams of celery, jujube l0, Jianshui plus sugar transfer food, 2 times a day. 2, gourd Gourd is rich in sugar, vitamin B, C, fat, protein, etc., with heat, diuretic, antihypertensive effect. The treatment is to take the gourd smashed Jiao Zhi, honey to transfer service, each time 20-30 ml, 2 times a day. 3, tomato Tomato nutrition is very rich, not only contains protein, fat, vitamins, trace elements, and is a common food for the treatment of hypertension, dizziness, elevated blood lipids. Because tomato is not only nutritious, but also has strong heat-clearing, detoxifying, and disease-suppressing effects, insisting on eating one to two fresh-ripened tomatoes each day can play a role in preventing cancer and assisting in the treatment of cancer. Moreover, the freshly cooked tomatoes are smashed and added with a little sugar. Each day they are painted on the surface to make the skin delicate and smooth. The anti-aging effects of beauty are excellent. 4, spinach, fresh sunflower seeds, beans Speaking of these foods, everyone is not unfamiliar but may not link them with lowering blood pressure. In fact, spinach, fresh sunflower seeds, various kinds of beans, such as black beans, white beans, green beans, lima beans, kidney beans, and kidney beans contain magnesium, which is an important substance for lowering and maintaining blood pressure. 5, baked sweet potato, banana The antihypertensive effect of these foods is mainly attributed to potassium, because potassium and sodium are important elements influencing blood pressure. If the blood contains less potassium, then the proportion of sodium will increase, resulting in increased blood pressure. Vegetable Powder,Strawberry Powder,Watermelon Powder,Organic Wolfberry Powder Xi'an XJeson Biotech Co., Ltd ,