The size of the grapes turned out to be their cause!
First, what is the size of grapes? Grape granule size, so-called large granules refers to normal granules, small granules refers to less than normal granules, like peanuts or soy bean granule size, small granules usually have no seeds, and they are colored first. If the grapes appear granules, their product value will be greatly reduced. The performance of grape granules usually occurs in slices. Large and small grapes. Second, there are several cases of producing size particles: Many grape growers are confused about the size of the grain. There are many reasons for grape grain size and the performance is not the same. According to the orchard situation, symptomatic treatment can solve it. There are mainly the following situations in size and size: 1, species reasons: individual varieties such as Kyoho, Victoria, Beijing Asia and other species, natural pollination is bad, of course, size and more. This size, generally small seeds or no seeds. Measures: The variety can be changed or treated as a non-nuclear treatment. After processing, all the fruit grains are without seeds. After the expansion, the size of the fruit is uniform. 2. Boron deficiency: The lack of boron in the grape causes the pollen tube to be prolonged. The ovules are difficult to fertilize and cannot form seeds. Boron-induced size and size, generally small granules without seeds or only a single seed, flower caps are not easy to fall off, fruit settling is small, and there is a serious lack of boron in the orchard. You can also see leaves with rind-like husks or sun spots. Slow growth, slow growth of new shoots. Measures: Boron-deficient grapes are best sprayed on the leaves after fruit harvest Bao times boron 1500 times, a serious boron-deficient orchard, can be used twice in intervals of 10 days or soil Baobao times 200 to 500 grams, or in the grape inflorescence During the separation period, the leaves were sprayed with boron 1500-2000 times for 1 or 2 times. 3, zinc deficiency: grape lack of zinc, lack of auxin synthesis, growth retardation, fruit set, the flower cap is not easy to fall, size particles. Zinc deficiency causes grain size. When mature, large and small grains of fruit can be normally colored, and some small grains of fruit may also have seeds. Measures: In zinc-deficient orchards, zinc fertilizers such as zinc-calcium amino acids may be sprayed on the leaves 15 days before fruit defoliation, and 300-fold of zinc-calcium amino acids may be sprayed on the leaves 2 to 3 times before and after flowering. 4. Bad weather during flowering: Low temperature, rainy weather or high temperature and dry weather during flowering can all cause poor pollination, less fruit set and size. Grains formed by weather factors can see dumbbell-shaped ears in the field. Low temperature and rain are more common in the south; in the north, many fruit growers are concerned about the poor fruit setting. They dare not water the flowers before flowering. In the event of high temperatures, there will be a large number of fruit drop phenomenon. Measure: There is no way to change the low temperature and rain, high temperature and drought can be alleviated by proper watering before flowering. Once the granules have been formed, you may consider giving up the first pod and leaving two pods. If the local weather is not conducive to pollination and fruit setting in the past years, it can be considered to implement a nuclear-free cultivation. 5. Improper use of hormones: Improper use of hormones is usually divided into several periods. In the first period, when some varieties have elongated inflorescences, gibberellic acid is applied too late, affecting pollination, and the fruit particles are as large as the matchstick and are not mature enough. Will fall; the second period is the flowering period, there are a lot of orchards, in the flowering period with the control of the growth of fruiting drugs, improper application of pollination caused by poor, small fruit, string tight, the fruit will not expand normally, and some also showed the spike axis plus Coarse, etc.; the third period is after the Xiehua, many fruit growers applied premature hormones, causing seed abortion, seed coat, black, is a shell, this fruit is significantly smaller than the normal fruit. Measures: In the above situation, when hormone administration is not well understood, hormones should be used as little or as little as possible. 6, prosperous: prosperous cause of the size of the grain showed thick branches, long section, some also showed inflorescence distortion, abnormal bud development, large seeds, especially large, small particles, and fewer fruit set. The grain size caused by prosperous growth is related to the excessive growth of the branches in the previous year. The prosperous growth in the previous year caused poor flower bud differentiation, and the prosperous branches of the year will also have the same size and size as the next year. Measures: For a prosperous orchard, the first is to control the application of nitrogen fertilizers, watering less, and controlling the drought. For prosperous branches, early bowing, early picking, twisting, or circumcision, winter pruning leaves prolonged shoots. Only when the control is good, there will be no size in the next year. 7, weak growth: some orchards, yellow trees after germination, ear is yellow, set fruit less, size, some to the next year is still yellow, the same size. This type of orchard is often caused by excessive production in the previous year, fertilizer damage, water accumulation in the field, heavy rooting in the winter and spring, and premature leaves falling from downy mildew. Measures: The orchard after germination is yellow and the root system is very weak, so it is not easy to fertilize and water it. It should be sprayed with zinc-calcium amino acid 300 times solution + urea 400 times solution + potassium dihydrogen phosphate 800 times solution at intervals of 2 days. Continuous use of 3 to 5 times, the first is the restoration of leaf nutrition, in order to promote root growth, loose soil permeability, increase the temperature is conducive to root growth. If the soil is too hot and the temperature of the soil is low, it will not inhibit the growth and absorption of the root system, and parts of the tree will be more yellowish. 8, the output is too high: the yield of fruit orchards, the size of the grain showed maturity, large grain first color, first red, small grain is green, flower string. This is often caused by too many fruit, too dense branches and insufficient effective leaves. Measures: Reasonable yields and shoot densities, good field management, reasonable branches, and scientific and reasonable fertilizer and water management can all prevent this from happening. 9, virus infection or degeneration of tree vigor: For some tetraploid varieties such as Kyoho, etc., it is easy to degenerate the tree vigor, or grapes affected by virus disease, tree weakness, ear nutrition deficiency. This type of grape is often seen as having only a few trees. There are two trees or three or five trees in the field. Fertilization and watering are the same. The results are few and the size is small, and it is the same year after year. Measure: For this kind of tree, there is no value reserved, you can dig out and replant. To sum up, there are many reasons for the size of the tablets, and the symptoms are not the same. It is necessary to solve the symptoms according to the conditions of each orchard instead of blindly learning how to deal with others. Intelligent lifting table connection bracket made of steel, high strength and high quality is durable, can be used for intelligent lifting table one of the accessories, enhance the flexibility of the table, operation, size can be retractable 700mm~1100mm, flexible use. Lift Desk Connection Bracket,Lift Desk Connector Bracket,Workstation Brackets,Desk Bracket Suzhou Herstar Medical Technology Co., Ltd. ,