How much beef cattle slaughter the best

According to tests conducted by professional departments, the growth and development pattern of beef cattle is: Beef cattle grow faster before 1 year old, and the growth rate slows down after 1 year old, especially after 1.6-2 years old. Taking the Charolais beef cattle as an example, the daily weight gain ranges from 1.5 to 1.8 kg for the first birth to 6 months, and 0.9 to 1.05 kg for the 7-12 months. The trial also showed that younger beef cattle need a lot less feed than older beef cattle to gain 1 kilogram. Therefore, from the perspective of total feed consumption, capital and equipment utilization, it is more advantageous to keep young cattle than to feed older cattle.

Therefore, the calves are weaned 4 to 6 months of age; summer and autumn are mainly grazing, and feed is properly supplemented; and winter and spring are kept in plastic greenhouses, generally at the age of 1.5 years after the end of the second year of autumn and winter. The best time to slaughter beef is about 300 kg.

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