How to prevent rape virus disease

Symptoms occur in all areas of rapeseed production in the country, especially in North China, southwest, and central China's winter rape areas. The symptoms of the disease vary slightly depending on the type of rapeseed. Cabbage-type rapeseed and mustard-type oilseed mainly produce chlorosis along both sides of veins, and the leaves are yellow-green leaves. The veins or veins are translucent. In severe cases, the leaves shrink and curl or deformed. The diseased plants are obviously shrunken. Death before twitching or convulsions. Even though the disease is light and the disease is late, it can be convulsions, but the calyx is curved or dwarfed, the flower is dense, the pods are thin, and the ripening is earlier. Brassica napus is now a systemic type of spot, the early symptoms of the old leaves are obvious, and then spread to the new leaves. At the time of the first episode, a pinpoint-sized transparent plaque was produced, which expanded into a 2-4mm macular near-circular surface. The center was dark brown with dead spots and the necrotic spots were stained around. On the stalks, purple-black shuttle-shaped to long-spotted lesions appeared, and they spread from the lower part to the branches and fruit stems. Late lesions on the stems were mostly longitudinally or horizontally split, and flowers and pods were easy to wilt or die. The pods produce black dead spots and are often malformed.
The virus of cruciferous vegetables such as pathogenic rapeseed is caused by Turnip mosaic virus (abbreviated as TuMV), and called turnip mosaic virus and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV for short), cucumber mosaic virus (TMV) and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV for short). Viruses caused by three groups of infections, mainly the turnip mosaic virus, often reduce the production of rape by 52%-63%, according to Li Lili, etc. in Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu 7 provinces 12 counties In the survey, the turnip mosaic virus accounted for 83.1%, the cucumber mosaic virus accounted for 19.39%, the tobacco mosaic virus accounted for 8.62%, and the other viruses accounted for 0.31%. The infection rate of general turnip mosaic virus was 50%-76%, and that of Guangxi was 24.32%. There were more infections caused by TuMV and CMV, accounting for 70.27%. The infection rate of CMV alone was only 5.4%.
Mosaic virus virion linear, size 700-80012-18 (nm), toxic temperature 55-60 °C for 10 minutes, dilution limit 1000 times, 48-72 hours in vitro toxic period, through aphid or sap contact Poisoning is mainly transmitted by locusts under natural conditions in the field. In addition to cruciferous, it can also infect spinach, wormwood, mustard, etc. It is known that there are several strains of its differentiation. In addition, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Jiangsu, and Guangdong have discovered Youcai mosaicvirus referred to as YMV, and rapeseed mosaic virus may be a member of the tobacco mosaic virus group. Cause rape, new leaf shrinkage malformation, plant dwarf, serious disease and more death before convulsions. YMV virions are spherical and 38 nm in diameter.
Transmission routes and onset conditions wintered in China's winter rapeseed virus, and were transmitted by locusts such as Myzus persicae, Brassica juncea, Aphis gossypii, and Brassica oleracea in the spring of the following year. Among them, Myzus persicae and Brassica rapa were widespread in rape fields. Due to long-term rape, spring cabbage, green vegetables, Chinese cabbage, leeks, vegetables and other cruciferous vegetables and weeds, the winter rapeseed area has become an important source of rapeseed in autumn. In addition, weeds such as plantain and horseradish, and Solanaceae and leguminous plants are the hosts of the virus. Spring rapeseed virus can also winterize in cruciferous vegetables such as greenhouses, plastic sheds, and rape grown in Yangshuo. Winged crickets migrated to rapeseed fields after taking drugs on summer hosts and caused initial infection. After the onset of rapeseed fields, the maggots moved to expand and spread, causing the disease to re-infect. In the winter, no cruciferous vegetables are grown. The virus overwinters in the cellar of cabbage, cabbage, and radish. After the onset of the late spring, the above-mentioned locusts are transmitted to the rape, and in autumn, the source of the virus is transmitted to autumn vegetables. This cycle is repeated. In addition, virus sap can also be transmitted through contact with the virus. Recent studies have pointed out that TuMV and CMV also have natural non-transmitted strains in addition to the locust-borne virus, making it difficult to control. However, it has opened up new fields for studying plant viruses. The rapeseed cultivation area is dry and rainy in autumn and spring, and the temperature is high, which is conducive to the occurrence of locust infestation and migration of winged maggots. The disease is easy to occur and prevalent. Early sowing or transplanted rapeseed in spring and late spring rape are susceptible to disease. Cabbage-type rape and mustard-type rape are more severe than cabbage-type rape.
Prevention methods (1) Anti-virus rapeseed varieties suitable for local conditions such as anti-turnin mosaic virus are: Ningyou 7, Dacang 8001, 8007, 81-23, Dangyou 3, Glycerin 5, 71-8 , 730, Southwest 302, Chongyou 202, Chuanyou Mosaic, No. 4 Xindu, National Day 25, No. 1 Hongyou, No. 12, No. 13 of Yanyou, No. 2 No. 2 Xiang, No. 1 Xiangtan, No. No.2, Liangyou 586 Rongyou No. 3, Ganbai rapeseed, Jiangyan No. 1, Qianyou No. 4, Yuyou No. 2, Zhongshuang No. 4 and other antiviral diseases. (2) Adjusting the sowing date According to the rainfall forecast of 9-10 in the current year, the sowing date should be determined. If the rain is less, the drought should be properly delayed. The rainy year can be broadcasted appropriately. (3) Rape fields should be kept away from cruciferous fields as much as possible. (4) Wrap rapeseed with 25% seed coating No. 1 at 1:50 or Weifu 1:100 times, control aphids and underground pests within 30 days, and be effective in preventing and controlling viral diseases. (5) Field protection. Around the seedbeds, planting of high-stem crops is recommended to prevent maggots from migrating and passing poisons; silver-gray plastic paint is applied on silver-gray plastic film or common agricultural film and screen sash; tiles can be avoided around the stencil; yellow plates are used to induce lice. 667m2 with 6-8 pieces, the use of locusts on the yellow temptation to trap. Emphasis should be placed on over-summer weeds and early-broadcast cruciferous vegetables to prevent transmission of the virus to canola. It is very important to treat the rape at the 3-6 leaf stage. Spray 40% Dimethoate EC 1000-1500 times or 50% Malathion EC 1000-1500 times, 50% Quencide 4000 times, 20% cyanide. Horse cream 6000 times liquid. (6) In the initial stage of disease, spray 0.5% anti-virus mushroom proteoglycan hydrolyzate 300 times solution or 10% virus king WP 500 times solution, or 1.5% plant disease emulsifier 1000 times solution, 83 agent increase agent 100 times solution, 10 times a day, continuous control 2-3 times.

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