Millet Seeds - Jigu 14

Selection Unit Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Characteristic characteristics Seedling green, anther yellow. Regional trial results: 89 days of growth, plant height 118.5 cm. In the case of 45,000 mu, the spike rate was 95.1%, the ear length was 21.0 cm, the single ear weight was 11.8 g, the grain weight per spike was 10.2 g, the grain yield was 82.3%, the rice output rate was 78.2%, and the grain weight was 2.38 g. Spike spindle, ear tight, yellow rice yellow rice. Lodging resistance level 1, resistant to sheath blight, the rate of diseased red leaf strains was 0.27%.

Yield performance in the 2009-2010 Shandong Province millet varieties regional trials, the average annual yield of 303.8 kilograms two years, compared to the control of Jigu 12 increase of 6.7%; 2010 production test average yield of 256.4 kilograms, compared to the control of Jigu 12 increase of 5.4% .

Appropriate areas are planted and utilized in the grain production areas of Shandong Province.


The combination and collocation of mineral nutrient elements. Among these elements, in addition to carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other elements mainly exist in the form of organic matter, the other 60 kinds of elements are collectively referred to as minerals, of which 25 kinds are necessary for human nutrition.Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine 7 kinds of element content is more, accounting for about 60% ~ 80% of the total minerals, so called macro elements, and iron, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium, tin and vanadium, silicon, nickel, fluorine, etc. 14, because there are too few, within the body content less than 0. 005%, therefore is called the trace elements.

Synonyms Dietary essential minerals; Macro- and microminerals; Electrolytes; Trace elements Definition Mineral nutrients are inorganic substances that must be ingested and absorbed in adequate amounts to satisfy a wide variety of essential metabolic and/or structural functions in the body. Mineral nutrients are sometimes categorized according to the amount required in the human diet to maintain good nutrition. Macrominerals is a general term encompassing both bulk minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride), which are required to be ingested by humans in amounts of hundreds of milligrams to several grams per day. Microminerals or trace elements (including iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium , iodine, chromium, molybdenum) are required in amounts of a few milligrams or less per day. The latter members of this group, which are required only in amounts of micrograms per day, are sometimes referred to as ultratrace elements.

Calcium Carbonate,Supplements Minerals,Minerals Function,Magnesium Glycinate

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