Reasons and remedial measures of cold injury of wheat in early spring
Wheat cold injury in early spring, also known as late spring, refers to the wheat in the "spring" season to enter the period of returning green joints, due to the arrival of cold and cooling, the surface temperature dropped below 0 °C, the occurrence of frost hazards. Because at this time the temperature has gradually warmed, and suddenly came the cold wave, it is also known as late spring. Causes of early frost damage in wheat In the March and April, the wheat has completed the development of the vernalization and illumination stages. The development of the vernalization stage of wheat has reduced the development of the cold resistance. After the light stage, jointing begins and the ability to resist low temperatures below 0°C is completely lost. At the time of arrival, the weather was clear and windless at night, and the surface temperature of the land dropped sharply to below 0°C, causing cold damage in early spring. In the wheat fields that suffered from frost damage in early spring, the leaves were soaked with boiling water, and they gradually dried up after exposure to sunlight. The young spikelets on the top of the stem have their meristematic cells more sensitive to hypothermia than leaf cells. The extent of frost on the young spikes varies according to the developmental process. Generally speaking, the young and female primordium has entered the period of differentiation of the primordium of the androecium (joining joints) and is susceptible to freezing. The ear is atrophied and finally dried up; The young ear of the period) is still transparent crystal after being frozen and has not been frozen to death. This is the reason why the main stem is often frozen in the wheat field, the tillering is not frozen, or one ear is partially frozen, and the late sowing wheat field is lighter than the early sowing wheat freezing. Remedy (1) Select suitable varieties according to local conditions; appropriate sowing; use precision semi-precision seeding technology; reform all base fertilizer nitrogen fertilizer "a shelling" for the combination of base fertilizer and top dressing and other four measures, is to prevent early spring frost damage Measures. (2) Moderately inhibited growth in overly prosperous wheat fields. The method is repression in early spring. The repressed wheat field can inhibit the growth and development of wheat, and avoid premature jointing to reduce cold resistance. (3) In the early spring after the occurrence of cold injury, fertilizer should be timely watering. Wheat is a crop with tillering characteristics. Wheat fields that suffer from frost damage in early spring will not freeze all of them, and wheat axillary buds may grow into grains with long components. Wheat that suffered from frost damage in early spring should be immediately applied with available nitrogen fertilizer and watering. The coupling effect of nitrogen and moisture will promote the early tillering of wheat and small borers, increase the tillage percentage, and reduce the loss of freezing damage. DM-Reflective films SeriesHIGH INTENSITY PRISMATIC GRADE are weatherproof, self-adhesive retroreflective films with an excellent corrosion and solvent resistance.The retroreflective system consists of sealed cells of air backed microprisms, using total internal reflection(see the structure drawing as below).The smooth surface PMMA shows a high scratch resistance and impact strength with the internal PMMA microprismatic layer. High Intensity Flexible Reflective Sheeting,Flexible Reflective Sheeting,Flexible High Intensity Grade Reflective Sheeting Daoming Optics & Chemical Co., Ltd ,