Soybean blight control method

Soybean blight, also known as bud blight, is a type of soybean virus disease that has a large impact on yield. Due to the different time of onset, the loss is between 25% and 100%. Similar symptoms occurred in China's imported foreign varieties in Shandong Province in 1962, and later in Hebei, Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. The disease is caused by a variety of viruses, but no official identification of the pathogens, so the local disease may be different.

1. Disease Symptoms Most soybean varieties do not show obvious symptoms at seedling stage, and only a few rust-like spots appear on the leaves. Typical symptoms appear after flowering. The top of the stem of the diseased plant is bent downwards into a hook shape. The top tender leaves, buds and stems become brown and easy to fall off, and the pith also becomes brown. The necrotic part spreads downwards. Brown streaks of necrosis are produced on the petiole, irregular brownish necrotic spots on the pods, and the leaves often show no symptoms. Plants with early onset were significantly dwarfed, with few scars or scabs, and some without branching. In addition, the diseased plants can also exhibit dwarfing, flowering buds and compound foliage, section enlargement, and leaves with abnormal dark green symptoms. Until the harvest season, greediness is still kept in dark green, and it is not robust, and the diseased plant seeds are normal in appearance and do not produce brown. Speckles.

2. The incidence and epidemic of the onset of the disease are very different among the years and regions, but the epidemics are not yet fully understood. Surveys have shown that the incidence of soybeans near perennial forages and wasteland is early and heavy, and the incidence of soybeans adjacent to non-host crops such as corn is late and light. Soybeans can be susceptible to disease at any stage of development, with a high pre-flowering susceptibility. Most of the soybean virus diseases can be spread by the seed virus, and the virus is difficult to detoxify after the seeds are poisoned. Treating the seeds with a medicament or using a growing point culture method is not effective.

3. Prevention and control methods 1 Strengthen quarantine to prevent the spread of disease. 2 Breeding resistant varieties and using non-toxic seeds. 3 control of aphids can reduce the virus disease damage, sprayed at seedling stage 2.5% 5000 times the enemy killed EC or 40% omethoate dimethoate 2000 times; can also be used per acre 3% carbofuran powder 2 kg mixed wet fine soil 15 kilograms were sowed at the time of sowing, treating both lice and cyst nematodes. 4 Soybean and high stalk crop intercropping, suitable early sowing, and weed removal in the field can reduce the incidence.

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