Tianxiang plant morphology
Plant morphology Perennial erect herb or subshrub, 30-80 cm tall. Stems 4-sided, hirsute. Leaves opposite; linear, linear oblong or lanceolate, 3 to 7 cm long, 5 to 8 mm wide, apex short, full, base round, main veins 3 to 5, both sides have coarse hair; Petiole short. Flowers several, terminal, into capitate inflorescence, sessile; leaf blade sepals 2-5; bracts ovate, margin lashes; calyx tube 5-6 mm long, bald net, lobes 4, triangular Lanceolate, with lashes, 4 scales with lashes at base between petals; petals 4, lavender, rare white, ovate, ca. 1 cm; stamens 8, oblique to one side, anthers apically cleft, longå–™; Lower ovary, 4 rooms, 16 bristles on top. The top 4 holes of the capsule are dehiscent, cup-shaped, ca. 6 mm long, slightly constricted near the top, truncated. Flowering from July to August. Fruiting period from October to November. Automatic Air Hose Reel,Auto Rewind Air Hose Reel,Self Retracting Air Hose Reel,Air Compressor Retractable Hose Reel NINGBO QIKAI ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD , https://www.hosereelqikai.com