What are the benefits of fermenting feeds to chickens?
Feeding pigs with fermented feeds not only solves the disadvantages of pig feeds that are too fine and single, but also allows users to reduce feed costs and serve two purposes. So, can the fermented feed feed chickens and can it have the same effect? It has been proved through practice that the fermentation of straw, soybean meal, glutinous rice cake, glutinous water, animal manure, etc. into feed for feeding chickens is very good. The specific benefits include the following: 1, reduce expenses. The materials selected for the fermentation feed are very extensive. The raw materials can be obtained locally, and the cheaper and more readily available raw materials can be selected. Moreover, the use of fermented materials to prepare full-priced feeds can reduce the amount of protein feed by 50%, which can greatly reduce the total feed costs and reduce expenditure. 2, promote disease resistance. The fermented feed can supplement the beneficial intestinal flora of the chicken, form a "dominant beneficial bacteria group", inhibit the colonization and growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, restore and maintain the microecological balance in the intestinal tract of chickens, and establish the intestinal immune barrier, thereby improving the chicken's Immunity and disease resistance, so chickens rarely get sick, grow healthy and can be slaughtered in advance. 3, feed detoxification. The fermented feed is the material fermented by the golden bait feed starter, because the Kinpo feed starter contains “functional†microbial life activities and its metabolites, and during the fermentation process, the toxic and harmful substances in the feed are degraded and the feed can be used. Detoxification is detoxified, thereby improving feed safety. 4, enhance appetite. After being fermented by the gold baby feed starter, the feed is rich in nutrients, smooth in feel, fresh in smell, and very good in taste. Chicken is very delicious. 5, delicious meat. Chickens have increased disease resistance after eating fermented feeds, so that chickens rarely get sick or get sick, and they almost do not need to take medicines. This will greatly reduce drug residues, and chickens will grow healthy. The meat will naturally be better, more fragrant, and more nutritious. For details, please contact: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone Toll Free Hotline:
The kelp soup is very convenient to eat .
Select the tender parts of the kelp, the delicious soup comes from the deep sea. After opening the paper cups, it can be soaked in boiling water for a minute, which is delicious and nutritious. Rich in nutrients needed by the human body,It can be all kinds of people, especially teenagers and young women,.It's good for health and beauty.
Kelp Soup,Kelp Broth,Wakame Seaweed Soup,Vegetarian Seaweed Soup Shandong Haizhibao Ocean Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. , https://www.haizhibaoseafood.com