Did digital medical rob the doctor of the rice bowl?

In today's information explosion, with a variety of books and websites, people can learn a lot of remedies and small knowledge to do simple treatment for themselves. For example, salt water gargle can suppress pain in the mouth and throat, ibuprofen can be used for headaches. There are also various ways to treat indigestion... But people still have some problems that they can't solve. At this time, we need to go to the hospital to see a doctor, for example, an ear infection that will bring great pain, concussion. Accurate diagnosis and other difficult conditions.

However, with the digitization of medical care , with the help of digital technology, in the face of some illnesses, the rush to the hospital is not the only way to cure the disease. Maybe we only need to download an app and the problem can be solved easily. The healthcare industry is currently in the midst of a technology boom. Although change is the general trend, Dr. Bob Wachter, author of Digital Healthcare , believes that no one or a company can accomplish this “big master” alone.

“With advanced smart devices, if patients are equipped with good algorithms and excellent backup plans, they will be able to treat many types of diseases themselves,” Bob Wachter said. “But the key is that you have to set a standard and tell patients When do I need to see a doctor and when I don't need it."

From Ahmed Albaiti, CEO and founder of Medullan, a digital healthcare innovation lab in Boston, the reporter learned that the investment in digital healthcare in 2014 exceeded $2 billion, and many databases, including RockHealth, CBInsights and McKinsey, said they Digital Health or New Healthcare Technology is the keyword that can retrieve more than 2,000 startups.

Among the hundreds of companies focused on digital technology, CVS Health is a leader in the digital healthcare arena, and it is constantly trying to consolidate its position. According to CVS Digital Director, CVS Health recently launched the Digital Innovation Lab, where innovators and entrepreneurs can work together to test new products, communicate with each other, and create ideas.

The current products and services of this innovative laboratory include:

• Remote diagnosis of the connection to the otoscope : By connecting the otoscope, the phone becomes a device for remote diagnosis and treatment. The user can send a video or ear image to the professional physician who will diagnose and prescribe the patient.

Connected to a sphygmomanometer: Relevant data acquired by smart devices can be shared between professional physicians, caregivers, and other apps to help consumers better manage their health.

· Apple Watch integration: This project further complements the ability to obtain prescription notifications and other healthcare information through App Watch.

At the same time as the lab was established, CVS also announced a $1.9 billion acquisition plan for a pharmaceutical company. After the transaction, more than 1,600 pharmacies in 47 states will be renamed CVS pharmacies.

Of course, those companies involved in the mobile medical field, no matter how good or far-sighted, can not escape the fierce and complicated competition on this battlefield.

Aurora Health Care, a Wisconsin-based healthcare provider, announced last month that it is participating in a long-term investment project called StartUp Health, which plays a major investor role. The project is dedicated to helping those new companies find market positioning through their experience in the digital healthcare market. According to the 2015 Interim Report of the StartUp Health Project, more than 7,500 mobile healthcare startups have solved the problems they have encountered through Aurora Health Care's data and guidance.

Wachter, a temporary chairman and professor at the University of California's Department of Medicine in San Francisco, says the difference with other traditional hospitals and doctors is that entrepreneurs and companies like CVS, which are growing fast, are more free and active. Also more willing to explore new models in the field of health care.

Whether it is for traditional medicine or emerging mobile medicine, although the methods they adopt are different, the goal is the same, that is, to help patients diagnose, treat and prevent diseases at the lowest price and best way. With the rapid development of mobile healthcare, the healthcare industry is experiencing rapid changes; without a doctor's guidance, the boundaries between what a patient can and can't do are becoming increasingly blurred; patients' dependence on face-to-face medical care is growing Gradually reduce.

“Now all enterprises understand that this complete transformation of the healthcare industry is an inevitable trend. In the future, more and more entrepreneurs and innovators will join the ranks of exploration to promote the expansion and reshape of this border. A new medical model," Wachter said.

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