Fuzheng Huayu Recipe promotes differentiation of human embryonic stem cells

Fuzheng Huayu Recipe promotes differentiation of human embryonic stem cells

January 13, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Following the completion of the Phase II clinical trial of Fuzheng Huayu Recipe against liver fibrosis in the United States, Shuguang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine revealed on the 12th that Professor Liu Ping, an expert from the Institute of Liver Diseases, and the University of California, Davis, and the University of California, Davis Professor Mark and other colleagues found that in the process of inducing human embryonic stem cells to differentiate into hepatocytes in vitro, adding "Fuzheng Huayu Recipe" can promote the differentiation and maturation of human embryonic stem cells into hepatocytes, and significantly improve the differentiated hepatocytes. Proliferative capacity.

It is reported that stem cell transplantation technology is a hot topic in the international medical field today, and stem cell transplantation instead of organ transplantation will be a major trend in the future. It has also been found that some small molecule compounds have the effect of promoting the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into hepatocytes. The hospital said that the relevant study first explored the effect of Chinese herbal compound on basic research of human embryonic stem cells. The research results provide a scientific basis for the application and development of traditional Chinese medicine compound in embryonic stem cell transplantation technology.

The hospital told reporters that the Sino-US cooperation paper "Enhancement of hepatocyte differentiation from human embryonic stem cells by Chinese medicine Fuzhenghuayu" was published in the latest issue. Scientific Reports.

According to reports, the study not only further reveals the mechanism of Fuzheng Huayu Recipe in the treatment of chronic liver injury and liver fibrosis, but also provides more clinical application of Fuzheng Huayu Recipe in the treatment of liver fibrosis and the promotion of chronic liver injury. The experimental basis of efficacy; also laid the experimental research foundation for the application of traditional Chinese medicine compound in promoting human embryonic stem cell transplantation. The hospital said that the research results have important potential applications for the development of end-stage liver disease with stem cell transplantation technology.

"Scientific Reports" magazine is a "Nature" publication covering all areas of basic research in the natural sciences. In 2015, the SCI impact factor was 5.577.

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