High-salt snacks are harmful to health Which snacks contain "invisible salts"
With the concept of healthy eating deeply rooted, we all know that eating too much salt is harmful to the body. Although you hid the high-salt diet on the table, did you ignore some of the high salt snacks around you? They seem to enter your shopping bag with cloaked cloaks and unknowingly endanger your health. How much salt should I eat each day? The Chinese residents' dietary guidelines recommend that adults with moderate physical activity should not consume more than 6 grams of salt per day. According to the survey, not all of the sodium ions we consume every day come from salt added in cooking (about 10%), of which 80% comes from processed foods or semi-finished products, that is, high-salt snacks. High salt diet hazards to the body The excessive sodium ions in the salt are absorbed into the blood, causing sodium and sodium retention, leading to an increase in blood volume and an increase in blood pressure. At the same time, edema of the vascular smooth muscle cells, narrowing of the blood vessel lumen, and increase in blood pressure are also caused. Excessive sodium in the diet, in renal tubular reabsorption, there will be too much sodium ions compete with calcium ions, so that calcium excretion increased. At the same time, the sodium salt will also stimulate the human parathyroid gland, increase the secretion of parathyroid hormone, activate adenylate cyclase on the membrane of osteoclast, destroy the dynamic balance of bone metabolism, and prone to osteoporosis even fracture. Ingestion of excessive amounts of high-salt foods can cause direct damage to the gastric mucosa due to the high osmotic pressure of salt. High-salt foods will reduce the secretion of gastric acid and inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin E2. Prostaglandin E2 has the effect of increasing the resistance of gastric mucosa, which makes the gastric mucosa vulnerable to gastritis or gastric ulcer. At the same time, high-salt and salted foods contain a large amount of nitrates. It is converted into nitrite by bacteria in the stomach and then combined with amines in food to form ammonium nitrite, which is highly carcinogenic. Inventory: High-salt snacks in cloaks High-salt foods are not just salty foods such as pickles and pickled products. Many snack foods that do not taste salty actually contain a lot of salt. Like common potato chips, melon seeds, plum, peanuts and other snacks, in order to improve the taste, so that people feel better to eat, when the production will add salt to season, and even desserts, ice cream, etc. also contain a lot of salt. A normal package of potato chips, different brands of sodium content is not the same, the lower in about 110 mg, the highest to reach 340 mg. 20 grams of grilled bacon had a sodium content of about 640 mg and a bowl of instant noodles had a sodium content of 2780 mg. Foods with rich taste and various tastes basically contain a lot of seasonings, rich sweetness, sourness, or spicy taste, which will overshadow salty taste. A lot of salt is hidden here. In the daily diet, cooked food such as sausages, luncheon meat, and roast chicken, frozen foods, canned foods, and instant noodles, etc. have higher salt content than ordinary meals. In addition, monosodium glutamate, tomato sauce, oyster sauce, sweet noodles, etc., are also "large salt producers." Dried seafood such as squid, squid, and seaweed are delicious and chewy. Many people still feel that it is nutritious and very popular. The data can show that the squid silk is actually the first salt: 100 grams of squid silk contains 2 grams of sodium, equivalent to 5 grams of salt! For your health, it is recommended that you pay more attention to snacks while avoiding invisible high-salt snacks. Earbuds Design Hearing Aid Earbuds Design Hearing Aid Shenzhen Sunshine Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.yatwin.com