Fresh lettuce selection method

Lettuce is a common kind of green vegetable, which is very common on the family table, crispy taste, rich nutrition, and the content of trace elements such as potassium, fluorine and iodine in lettuce is very high. Fresh lettuce can have better nutritional value. So how do you pick lettuce?

Pick lettuce as a principle of tenderness. One must start from picking the leaves. The leaves should be bright green, and there should be no rotten yellow leaves. Green or green leaves are the color of fresh lettuce leaves, and the leaves are the most easily discernible.

Second, look at the entire stem, not bent, neat and tidy, showing white green. The roots of the lettuce are squeezed and the roots of the lettuce are pinched soft. If there is no toughness, it means that the lettuce is not fresh and the root has not had enough moisture. Do not choose soft lettuce.

Looking at the cross section of the lettuce, the thinned cross section of the lettuce means that the skin of the lettuce is also thinner. Thin skin lettuce taste better, crisp water, lettuce is not wilting. The old skin is thick, white, and hollow, but the thick-leaved lettuce is stored longer.

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