How to observe the pig?

Observations of pigs include static observations and dynamic observations. Static observation refers to the observation of the pig's standing and sleeping posture, breathing, body surface state, and pig's secretions and excretions, etc., in a quiet rest and maintaining the natural state. Healthy and disease-free pigs often take the side, stretch their limbs, touch the head and side, and sit on the hind legs when they are healthy. When standing, they are stable, walk around, eat evenly and deeply, and the coat is neat, shiny and responsive. A vigilant gaze is shown when approaching. Diseased pigs are downcast, stunned, sleepy, sleepy, isolated or trembling, shortness of breath or wheezing, rough coats, dark eye sockets, visible discharges from the eyes, dry nose, dry neck, tail And the anus is stained with excrement.

After the static observation, we must also look at the natural activities of the pig. Drive the pigs, force activities, observe their mental state, standing posture, action posture, excretion, etc. are dynamic observations. Healthy disease-free pigs can stand up excretion or urine in action, fecal urine clear, defecation posture is normal. Sick pigs are mentally depressed, unwilling to stand upright, unstable, slow in action, staggered in gait, clipped in the back of the bow, crotch, cough, increased nasal fluid, difficulty breathing, sunken eye sockets, and hoarseness. Some sick pigs are extremely excited. The feces are hard or diarrhea and the urine is yellow and less. The above observation method is only for the reference of the majority of pigs to show.




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