Grasp the lotus root disease pests and insects in summer
The summer temperature is high, the rain is high, the humidity is high, the light is strong, the lotus root leaves are easy to be infected with leaf spot disease, and after the elliptical light brown lesions appear on the leaves, the leaves die, affecting the growth, expansion and starch accumulation of lotus root, reducing yield and reducing quality. . Therefore, lotus root should pay attention to leaf spot disease prevention in summer to protect the leaves. On weekdays, it is necessary to pay attention to check the lotus root leaves. When there are oval light brown spots on the leaves, it is necessary to spray 2 to 3 times 600 times 20% thiabend copper aqueous solution, or 1500 times to kill cockroaches (46.1% hydrogen). An aqueous solution of copper oxide), or 600 times 20% aqueous solution of thidium copper, or 1000 times 25% aqueous solution of propiconazole, sprayed once every 10 to 15 days, evenly spray all the leaves to start dropping with water drops It is appropriate. This article URL: Summer to prevent and control lotus root leaf pests and diseases Biometric Tablet,Fingerprint Tablet,Android Fingerprint Tablet,Biometric Waterproof Fingerprint Tablet Shenzhen BIO Technology Co.,Ltd. ,