Tractor spring maintenance instructions
In the spring, the farm is ready for production and the tractor will be put into production. Due to the long idle time in the winter, a comprehensive maintenance and maintenance should be conducted before the operation so that the spring plowing can be carried out smoothly. 1. Remove dirt, dust and oil from all parts of the tractor. 2, check whether the parts are loose, especially the walking part and the movable part to be re-stiffened. 3. Check whether the steering device, clutch, brake and other operating devices and the V-belt tension are appropriate. 5, check the engine chassis, etc. everywhere there is a three-leakage phenomenon, and promptly ruled out. 6. Replace the oil and gears that are suitable for the temperature in time, and replace the oil filter. It is best to use diesel to clean the oil pan, oil gallery and gears. 8, start the engine to work with the tractor, and then a comprehensive inspection of the working conditions of various components, found problems, and promptly ruled out.
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4. Clean the diesel tank filter, clean the diesel filter, and maintain the air filter.
7, check the valve clearance, fuel supply time, injection quality.