Is Dragon Fruit a Fire Reducer?
Dragon fruit has the functions of detoxification, retreat, and laxative. Eating dragon fruit can also promote eye health, increase bone density, help cell membrane formation, prevent anemia and anti-neuritis, angular cheilitis, lower cholesterol, and whiten skin to prevent dark spots. Pitaya is rich in phytoalbumin that is less commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Many people know that heavy metals (mainly lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, and chromium) are hazardous to health, and children’s lead levels are excessive, and dragon fruit The active albumin contained in the human body encounters heavy metal ions, which quickly envelops it, prevents intestinal absorption, and is excreted through the excretory system, thereby acting as a detoxifying agent. Moreover, this albumin has an effect on the stomach wall. Protective effects. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin c, has a very good effect of skin whitening, and the content of water-soluble fiber contained in the flesh is also very rich, such fibers absorb water swelling 10-15 times, resulting in gel-like material order Food stay in the stomach for a long time, so that dieters can extend their sense of satiety without being hungry, and have good weight loss. The pitaya black pulp contains various enzymes, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, which can help gastrointestinal motility, achieve bowel effect, and assist in the treatment of constipation. In addition, the pitaya skin contains very precious nutrients - anthocyanins, which are a powerful anti-oxidant and immune-boosting substances that can preserve activity in human blood for 75 hours, more than 10 times stronger than carotene. The antioxidant capacity. It is transported through the blood to the body for anti-oxidation, anti-radical, anti-aging, and anti-Alzheimer's. Pitaya skin contains pesticides and is not recommended for consumption. In addition, the dragon fruit pulp contains almost no fructose and sucrose, sugar is mainly glucose, this natural glucose, easy to absorb, suitable for exercise after eating. But also reduce the fire. However, the glucose is not sweet dragon fruit lead to people mistakenly believe that this is a low-sugar fruit, in fact, the dragon fruit sugar is higher than expected, it should be noted that diabetics should not eat. Dragon fruit can detoxify health care, improve the body's immune function, suitable for men, women and children. Frozen Fillet Tilapia,China Tilapia Fillet,Tilapia Fillet,Tilapia Fillet Frozen Fish Zhoushan City Shuangying Aquatic Products Co., Ltd.  ,